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Exchange Student Accommodation

Rooms will be allocated for 6 months on March / April 1st and September / October 1st. The rooms are at HaDiKo, the Insterburg and HFK.

Please be aware that you can only rent your accommodation from the beginning of the month, this means the deadline for applications is the 15th one and a half months before the start of  your designated move-in month.
(e.g. move-in 1st April, deadline 15th February).

You can apply for a exchange student room through our application portal.

  • a longer informal letter of application (about 1 page A4) in which you tell us a bit more about yourself. Hobbies, interests, expectations of life in HaDiKo, ... whatever you want! - only members of the room allocation board will read this, i.e. a small group of residents and thus students like you - please don't address us with "Dear Sir or Madam" ;)
  • a curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • a recent photo
  • Certification of the exchange program with a university of Karlsruhe

A room may be extended for one semester upon request. The extension must be received before the application deadline for the next move-in date. To request an extension, send an email with proof of exchange program at a Karlsruhe university to

If you have any questions about applying for an exchange room, please check our FAQs first or, if you are still unsure, contact us by email at

After the application

  • One week after the application deadline, the first acceptances will be sent out. If you do not receive an acceptance, you will be put on our waiting list.
  • After you have received an acceptance, you have 7 days to accept the room and to transfer the deposit.
  • Within the next 7 days you will receive a preliminary contract as proof of your residence in Karlsruhe.
  • A few weeks before you move in, we will let you know in which of the three dorms you will move in and what your room number is.